
Proceedings for the AAC 2020 Seminar Series will be posted on the open-access archive Submission to arXiv will be done by the AAC2020 Seminar Series Proceedings Editors on behalf of the authors.

Manuscripts are due by February 3, 2021.

How to Format

Manuscripts are in 8.5Ă—11 inches, single column format. Here are LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates. When preparing the manuscript, please make sure to follow the arXiv submission guidelines at

Papers from plenary orals are limited to 10 pages. Papers from contributed orals and posters are limited to 6 pages.

Manuscripts not meeting the above requirements will be returned for correction.

How to Submit

Email the manuscript (source and all supporting files such as images and bibliography if you are using LaTeX; .docx file if you are using Microsoft Word) to

When submitting the manuscriptm specify the Working Group number in the subject line of your email. Please also confirm that you have read, and accept, the arXiv publishing policy at