WG5 Poster Zoom Sessions

For Working Group 5's poster session, we are trying something new. Each poster presenter will simultaneously have his or her own Zoom session that you may join at any time from 11:00 to 11:40 a.m. Pacific time. Please move about and visit any and all that interest you.

At 11:40, let's reconvene in the main oral session for general discussion.

Keenan Hunt-Stone

(link)"Electro-Optic Sampling Beam Position Monitor"

Zoom Meeting link: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/99818830662

Meeting ID: 998 1883 0662

Password: 209055

Join by SIP:99818830662@zoomcrc.com

Bricker Ostler

(link) "A High-Resolution and Noninvasive Longitudinal Profile Diagnostic for Electron Bunches"

Zoom Meeting link:


Meeting ID: 912 9498 5272

Password: 413853

Join by SIP:


Ivan V. Konoplev

(link) "The single-shot cSPr bunch profile monitor"

Zoom Meeting link: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/94309869182?pwd=KzNYQms1WmdNcXFyaktQRnhCWVFNUT09

Meeting ID: 943 0986 9182

Password: 350284

Join by SIP: 94309869182@zoomcrc.com

M. LaBerge

(link) "LPA Electron Bunch Spatial Reconstruction Through Coherent Transition Radiation Imaging"

Zoom Meeting link: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/97916201586?pwd=WXc2MUxFVW8rNWNjelMxRG1ZdHN3dz09

Meeting ID: 979 1620 1586

Password: 966026

Join by SIP: 97916201586@zoomcrc.com

Nathan Majernik

(link) "Multileaf collimator for real-time emittance exchange beam masking"

Zoom Meeting link:


Meeting ID: 598 334 5717

Password: 5555555

Join by SIP:


V. Pavlenko

(link) "Strong Field Photoemission Experiment using Diamond Field Emitter Arrays"

Join Zoom Meeting


Alexander Scheinker

(link)"Adaptive Machine Learning for Particle Accelerator Controls and Diagnostics"

Zoom Meeting link: https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/97075616433?pwd=bXgvbnBQRUpnYWVNYWRxMGtUTkRBdz09

Meeting ID: 970 7561 6433

Password: 112358

Join by SIP: 97075616433@zoomcrc.com